Nedbank External Bursary 2024/2025 Application Form Portal 您所在的位置:网站首页 KETRACO Attachment 20242025 Online Application Portal Nedbank External Bursary 2024/2025 Application Form Portal

Nedbank External Bursary 2024/2025 Application Form Portal

2024-05-14 23:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Nedbank External Bursary 2024/2025 Application Form Portal Filed in Opportunities by Editorial Staff on October 13, 2023 • 0 Comments

Nedbank External Bursary 2024… Do you wish to apply for the Nedbank External Bursary 2024? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about the Nedbank External Bursary, Requirements, and How To Apply.

The Nedbank External Bursary Programme (bursary) aims to fund academically deserving students who do not have the financial means to study full-time towards a first undergraduate degree or diploma at a South African public university or university of technology.

The aim of the bursary programme is to address South Africa’s scarce skills shortages, with a specific focus on green economy skills.

In short, a green economy promotes sustaining and advancing economic, environmental, and social well-being. Green-economy skills refer to those areas of study that focus on improving human well-being and social equity, while also significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.

Green economy skills include reducing carbon emissions and pollution, increasing energy and materials efficiency, and enhancing our natural capital.

Criteria For Selection We will only consider applications from South African citizens. You must have a proven financial need, as determined by household income. You must have obtained the following minimum academic results: An average of 65% in the year that you are applying for the bursary, ie in grade 12 or at the university level. An average of 65% for the required subjects aligned to the degree you plan to study at university. We will not consider applicants who completed their grade 12 or senior certificate with Mathematics Literacy. You must have obtained admission to a South African public university or university of technology for the undergraduate qualification you plan to study. Supporting Documents Required For Your Application A certified copy of your South African identity card/document. Your most recent academic transcript, ie: Grade 11 final results, as well as your mid-year results if you are currently in grade 12. Grade 12 final results as well as your mid-year results if you are currently in your first year at university. Your last academic year results as well as your current mid-year results if you are currently in your second or third year at university. The financial checks affidavit must be signed by: Your parent(s) or guardian(s); You, the bursary applicant.

IMPORTANT! The Nedbank External Bursary Application Form 2024 is not yet out online, DISREGARD any form of advert you come across. This page will be updated immediately after the form is out.

For more information, visit the Nedbank

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